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Z Versus Project


Contract Address: 0xa6966B70F6d6Cc70a518550f156e81Fc11bd88f2
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Z Versus Project Launches the First Decentralized Blockchain-Based Post Apocalyptic Metaverse on Binance Smart Chain The Metaverse gaming industry faces a monumental challenge. Since it was announced, publishers and developers have eagerly hopped on the trend of integrating crypto and blockchain elements. However, many have seen failed returns because theyโ€™ve done so before emphasizing the โ€œgameโ€ of it all. With primary attention on the former and none on the latter, players arenโ€™t incentivized to keep coming back. To be immersed in the Metaverse. To keep playing and earning as the system is designed to do. Z Versus Project is turning that trend on its head. The team behind Z Versus Project is full-tilt, incorporating the many nuances of successful blockchain gaming innovations. But they still stand apart โ€“ because the same devs are also working tirelessly on the other primary element: a fun game catered to gamers first. What is Z Versus Project? Z Versus Project is a first-person/role-playing play-to-earn experience designed from the ground up for the Metaverse. Players are given PVE and PVP options, battling zombies and one another as they choose their sides in the Z-War, gather troops, build fortresses, and band together for survival or destruction. With its emphasis on an MMO community, open-world design, blockchain integration, in-game marketplaces, land sales, unique Crypto tokens, NFT investments, multi-platform accessibility, and thrilling gameplay.

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Oct 20 2022


Oct 07 2022

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$ 4,612

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